Alternative Ways to Celebrate Halloween

Halloween is around the corner.

In the past years, Halloween has been already different. Since then, many families are reconsidering if they want to continue celebrating it the way they were celebrating it until now, or to make a change, now that the children are ready for a different experience. 

In Spain, where Halloween has been adopted as a North American tradition, in the Waldorf schools, the celebration of Halloween, is done through a Profession costume party. It is really cute, actually…

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¡Feliz Día de la Madre! con un poema - Happy Mother´s Day! with a poem

Today is Mother's Day in Spain, from where I am from and I want to share with you a nice collection of poems to start the Month of May to honor our mothers. 

Happy Mother´s Day

Madre mía

Cuando los ojos a la vida abría,
al comenzar mi terrenal carrera,
la hermosa luz que vi por vez primera
fue la luz de tus ojos, ¡madre mía!

Y hoy que, siguiendo mi escarpada vía,
espesas sombras hallo por doquiera,
la luz de tu mirada placentera
ilumina mi senda todavía.

Mírame, ¡oh madre!, en la postrera hora
cuando a las sombra…

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Happy Spring! ¡Feliz Primavera! The Best Spanish Poems about Spring

La primavera besaba by Antonio Machado

Today is the first day of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, and to celebrate it I want to bring you a collection of poems in Spanish that you can use for your classes, your homeschooling, or just for yourself. I hope they can serve you as inspiration. :-) 



Doña Primavera
viste que es primor,
viste en limonero
y en naranjo en flor.

Lleva por sandalias
unas anchas hojas,
y por caravanas
unas fucsias rojas.

Salid a encontrarla
por esos caminos.
¡Va loca de soles
y loca de trinos!

Doña Prima…

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